Guidelines for Taking Employees' Temperatures
Last edited: 2023-01-12

Guidelines for Taking Employees' Temperatures
To help limit the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has given employers approval to take employee temperatures at work. This decision was made because the CDC and state/local health authorities have verified community spread of COVID-19. As with all medical information, data gathered (like temperatures, symptoms, etc.) must be kept confidential, as per ADA requirements.
Just as important, be aware that some people with COVID-19 do not have a fever, and some who have a fever may not have COVID-19. While the CDC recommends using a body temperature of 100.4°F as the threshold point, this can be rounded down to 100°F for an added measure of safety.
The workplace safety experts at Conney Safety recommend using a touchless thermometer (forehead/temporal artery thermometer) if possible. Make sure it was designed to take human temperatures in a healthcare setting, and is not an infrared (IR) thermometer intended for industrial applications.
If you must use an oral thermometer or one requiring bodily contact, use single-use probe shields to eliminate viral contamination. If probe shields are unavailable or not compatible with your thermometers, disinfect the probe thoroughly between each use.
- Follow the thermometer manufacturer's disinfection directions.
- If no disinfection guidance is given, rinse the thermometer probe in cold water. Then disinfect by wiping down the probe with rubbing alcohol or alcohol swabs. Finish with one final water rinse.
Ultimately, a fever is only one symptom of respiratory infection (specific to COVID-19). You will also want to check employees for:
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Diarrhea
- Muscle pain
- Fatigue or tiredness
- New loss of smell or taste
While monitoring temperatures will identify some people with COVID-19, it won't catch everyone who is currently or has been previously infected. Some of those with the illness may be asymptomatic (will never display symptoms) or pre-symptomatic (have yet to develop symptoms). This is why we still recommend the consistent use of safety measures like face masks and physical distancing to supplement your workplace temperature-monitoring efforts.
Conney Safety Thermometers and Temperature Detection Systems
Products listed below can be purchased at, depending on availability. For the most up-to-date availability status, look on the product page, send us an email or call 800.356.9100.Good
SpotSee C-8720 Thermometers:
Disposable Liquid Crystal
Shop Now
Clinical accuracy of + or - 1.8°F
Veridian™ 60-Sec Digital Readout Thermometer
Shop NowClinical accuracy of + or - .2°F
Veridian™ 9-Second Digital Thermometer
Shop NowClinical accuracy of + or - .2°F
Veridian™ 60-Second Digital Thermometer
Shop NowClinical accuracy of + or - .2°F
Veridian™ Mini 60-Sec Digital Thermometer
Shop NowClinical accuracy of + or - .2°F
Berrcom® 1-Sec Testing Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
Clinical accuracy of + or - .4°F to .6°F
Sharp Non-Contact Clinical Thermometer
Shop NowMeasurement deviation of + or - 0.5°F
Veridian™ Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer
Shop NowClinical accuracy of + or - .4°F