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For Cardiac Arrest Victims, Zoll AEDs Can Be a Lifesaver

Last edited: 2023-10-04

For Cardiac Arrest Victims, Zoll AEDs Can Be a Lifesaver

The prompt use of a Zoll AED greatly improves outcomes for patients suffering serious cardiopulmonary and respiratory emergencies.

Every day, people face serious health conditions and life-threatening emergencies. Zoll AEDs by Zoll Medical, can aid in the diagnosis, treatment, response, and operational processes needed to achieve better outcomes for patients who suffer serious cardiopulmonary and respiratory emergencies.

Bystanders Can Save Lives With a Zoll AED

AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) are becoming more prevalent in public spaces due to their life-saving potential. Their increased availability increases the chances of saving victims of sudden cardiac arrest.

A Zoll AED analyzes a person's heart rhythm and if it recognizes an abnormal heart rhythm, it delivers an electric shock to re-establish a normal rhythm.

  1. Zoll AEDs can be used to perform CPR by bystanders, lay rescuers, or medical professionals. Zoll AEDs are set up to lead you through the entire process, whether you already know how to use it or not. After you open the device, audio and visual text prompts will tell you how to proceed. You simply place the adhesive electrode pads on the victim's chest and listen for the voice prompts.
  2. You will not hurt someone by attempting to use an AED when they are not actually experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. AED's have sophisticated algorithms that will only shock a patient who needs it. When you put the electrodes on the victim, the device will analyze their heart rhythm. It will only deliver a shock if it determines that it's necessary.
  3. Zoll AEDs are safe for use on infants, children and pregnant women. Ideally, you would want to use infant or child-sized pads, but if infant or pediatric settings and pads are not available, you can use adult pads on infants and young children. If using standard (adult) pads, do not let the pads touch.

Related: Catch up on the latest ANSI 2021 standard for First Aid kits on our blog.

Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates Are Higher When a Zoll AED Is Used

According to statistics from the American Heart Association, prompt actions from bystanders, including the use of publicly available Zoll AEDs, is the very best way to improve outcomes for individuals who suffer a cardiac arrest.

  • The survival rate for sudden cardiac arrest is about 10%.
  • If a cardiac arrest victim receives defibrillation through a Zoll AED within the first minute, the survival rate is 90%. For every minute without CPR, the chance of death increases by 10%.
  • Fewer than half (45.7%) of cardiac arrest victims get the immediate help they need before emergency responders arrive. The average response time for emergency responders to reach a patient in cardiac arrest is between 4 and 10 minutes.
  • Using a Zoll AED is much more effective than just doing CPR alone. When first responders use only chest compression CPR, the 30-day survival rate for victims is 7%. By augmenting CPR with an AED shock, the survival rate jumps to 41%.
  • 60% of victims who receive a shock from an AED from a bystander survive to hospital discharge.
  • Without a bystander using an AED, 70% of cardiac arrest patients either die or survive with impaired brain function.
  • In short, receiving cardiac care before first responders arrive is absolutely critical.

Related: If you hire a company like Cintas First Aid to stock your first aid supplies, you should read our article on how to take your first aid back.

Wesco Offers a Wide Variety of Zoll AEDs

Zoll AED Plus® Automatic Defibrillator and Zoll AED Plus® Semi-Automatic Defibrillator

Successful defibrillation must be supported with high-quality CPR. The AED Plus Defibrillator will guide rescuers through the process of performing high-quality CPR, and if needed, deliver a potentially life-saving shock to the heart.

  • Fully automatic AED automatically shocks the patient if a shockable heart rhythm is detected, while the semi-automatic AED has a button to push if a shock is required
  • Enhanced Real CPR Help® technology provides real-time CPR feedback on the rate and depth of chest compressions
  • Text and voice prompts provide visual and audible feedback to the rescuer
  • CPR-D-padz® electrodes feature a unique one-piece, pull-strip design to ensure fast and accurate placement
  • Automatic self-tests ensure device readiness
  • 5-year smart lithium battery can report its power status
  • Unit is built to withstand extreme temperatures and altitude, vibration, and shock
  • Unit comes with two CPR-D-padz electrodes, battery pack, Plus RX medical prescription, operator's manual and carrying case

Zoll AED 3® AED

Successful defibrillation must be supported with high-quality CPR. The AED Plus Defibrillator features Real CPR Help® technology to help lay rescuers perform CPR, and if needed, deliver a potentially life-saving shock to the heart.

  • Real CPR Help® guides rescuers by providing real-time feedback on rate and whether they should push harder for proper chest compression depth
  • Text and voice prompts provide visual and audible feedback to the rescuer
  • CPR-D-padz® electrodes feature a unique one-piece, pull-strip design to ensure fast and accurate placement
  • Automatic self-tests ensure device readiness
  • 5-year smart battery can report its power status
  • Unit is built to withstand extreme temperatures and altitude, vibration, and shock

Feel free to contact our Safety Support Team to help you select the best Zoll AED for your facility. We can offer you options that fit your budget and specific needs.

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