Bloodborne Pathogen Kit: Protect Against Infectious Risks
Last edited: 2024-10-17
A bloodborne pathogen kit is essential for ensuring the safety of both employees and first responders when dealing with potentially infectious materials, particularly blood or bodily fluids.
What are bloodborne pathogens?
Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in human blood and other body fluids that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens can be transmitted when blood or body fluids from an infected person come into contact with another person's bloodstream, typically through cuts, mucous membranes or other broken skin.
How are bloodborne pathogens transmitted?
- Bloodborne pathogens are primarily spread through:
- Direct contact with infected blood or body fluids
- Needle-stick injuries or other injuries involving sharp objects contaminated with infected blood
- Mucous membrane exposure – through the eyes, nose or mouth
- Broken skin contact – open cuts, abrasions, or sores
Related: Don't feel the burn! Learn more about burn bandages and how to provide treatment and support to those who have suffered a burn injury.
Solution: Bloodborne Pathogen Kits
Why do I need a bloodborne pathogen kit?
Prevent Exposure to Disease: Bloodborne pathogens like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C can be transmitted through blood or bodily fluids. The kit helps protect you and others from accidental exposure.
- Contain and Clean Spills Safely: If there's a spill of blood or bodily fluids, the cleanup kits contain items like absorbent materials, disinfectants, gloves and masks to safely clean the area and reduce the risk of contamination.
- Protect First Responders: In workplaces, especially in healthcare, first aid, and caregiving, employees might encounter situations involving blood. Having a kit ensures they can handle the situation while minimizing the risk of infection.
- Protect Your Employees: In settings like schools, daycares, or sports facilities, scrapes and spills involving bleeding can occur on a daily basis. Most of these accidents don't rise to the level of requiring first responders or a medical professional. Having a kit on hand ensures any employee who regularly provides injury assistance can do so safely.
- Comply with Safety Regulations: In many industries, including healthcare, OSHA mandates the use of bloodborne pathogen kits to comply with safety standards.
What products come in a typical bloodborne pathogen kit?
- Bloodborne pathogen kits typically includes some combination of the following items:
- Disposable gloves
- Face mask
- Eye protection
- Disposable gown or apron
- Absorbent pads or materials for soaking up spills
- Disinfectant wipes or spray
- Scoop and scraper
- Antiseptic towelettes
- Hand sanitizer
- Sharps container
- Biohazard labels
- Biohazard bags
- Twist ties or sealing tape
Can I purchase bloodborne pathogen kits from Wesco?
We offer dozens of sizes and styles of bloodborne pathogen kits containing a wide range of items.
First Aid Only® Single Use Bloodborne Pathogen Spill Clean-Up Kit
Being prepared to properly handle bloodborne pathogens and bodily fluids should be part of the safety protocols for offices, schools, manufacturing facilities, jobsites or public venues. The OSHA-compliant kit contains the PPE you need to help you maintain a safe barrier, while also allowing you to clean-up and dispose of blood or bodily fluids. Kit is single-use and disposable to prevent cross contamination.
First Aid Only® Bloodborne Pathogen Spill Kit
This all-in-one bloodborne pathogen spill clean-up pack contains everything you need for effective and safe clean up, disinfection, and disposal of small bodily fluid spills.
First Aid Only® ANSI/OSHA Compliant Bloodborne Pathogen/Personal Protection Kit
When accidents happen, safety comes first. This kit gives you the essential tools to handle potentially hazardous spills of blood and bodily fluids, ensuring you stay protected from harmful infections like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Featuring gloves, face masks, disinfectants, absorbent pads, disposal bags and more; this kit makes it easy to contain, clean, and dispose of biohazardous materials safely.
Related: Learn more about the 2021 ANSI standard for First Aid kits, currently effective.
Feel free to contact our Safety Support Team to help you select the correct bloodborne pathogen kit and biohazard response supplies for your particular workplace. In almost any situation you have, we can offer you options that fit your budget or specific needs, allowing your employees to work safely and efficiently.